22.1.2015 Sisävesiväylät mahdollistajan - Teollisuus & Matkailu Lappeenranta

> Development and long term infrastructure investments on inland waterways in Sweden PART 1, PART 2, PART 3 & PART 4
Johan Lantz, Senior Advisor, Swedish Maritime Administration
> Development of Västerås – Köping ports. How local industries are involved in the development? (12,5Mt) Carola Alzén, Managing Director, Mälarhamnar AB
> Inland waterway transport of Russian Federation: bottlenecks, options and points for growth PART 1 & PART 2
Professor, Dr. Science (Econ.) Tatjana A. Pantina, Vice-Rector for Research, the Admiral Makarov State University for Maritime and Inland Shipping, St. Petersburg
> Progress of inland and «river-sea» going fleet replacement programmes (14,4Mt) Associated Professor, Phd (Marine Eng. Econ.) Anatoly V. Burkov, Director of International Cooperation Office, the Admiral Makarov State University for Maritime and Inland Shipping, St. Petersburg
> Current trends in European inland ports and latest EU policy developments (3,5Mt)
Kathrin Obst, Director, European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP)
> Sisävesiliikennestrategian esittely, Saimaan Kanavan Neuvottelukunta (3,3Mt)
Pekka Koskinen, Partner, Brave Logistics Finland Oy, SVY:n hallituksen varapuheenjohtaja
> Sisävesien houkuttelevuus teollisuuden kuljetusreittinä nyt ja tulevaisuudessa (4,1Mt)
Anna Näsi, Shipping Manager, Yara Suomi Oy