INFUTURE Final Conference 30.11.-1.12.2021
Maritime Centre Vellamo, Kotka, Finland

INFUTURE Project Partners

MATERIALS of the Conference
Waterways - A Step Towards Green Transition
TUESDAY 30.11.2021 The First Day of the INFUTURE Conference
12.00 Opening of the Conference and welcoming words
Tarja Javanainen, Project Manager, INFUTURE, Kotka Maritime Research Centre, Merikotka, Finland
12.05 Introduction of the Theme of the Conference
Ville Henttu, Director of Research, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, XAMK
Moderator of the First Session of the Conference
12.10. Reducing GHG Emissions from Inland Waterway Transport > PRESENTATION (1,7MB)
Eero Hokkanen, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finland
12.30 EU IWT Policies and the NAIADES III Action Plan 2021-2027 > PRESENTATION (1,4 MB)
Marta Wolska, EU Commission, DG Mobility and Transport, Belgium
12.50 Frames Enabling Green Transition > PRESENTATION (1,4 MB)
Benjamin Boyer, Civil Engineer & Laure Roux, Administrator, Economic Affairs,
Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine, CCNR, France
13.05 The Role of Inland Waterways in Sustainable Transport Networks > PRESENTATION (502 KB)
Tomi Solakivi, Asst. Professor, Maritime Business & Policy, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku, Finland
14.00 Opening of the 2. Session of the Conference
Pentti Kujala, Professor, Aalto University
Moderator of the Second Session of the Conference
14.05 INFUTURE Project Surveys on Cargo Potential > PRESENTATION (8,7 MB) and > PRESENTATION (14,1 MB)
Tatiana Pantina, Dr. of Sc. (Econ) Vice-rector for research and innovations, Head of Economics of Waterway Transport Department, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Russia
Andrey Yushchenko, Director, Marine Cargo Bureau, Russia
Anna Kiviniitty, RDI Specialist, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, XAMK, Finland
14.40 Essential Role of Maritime Transportation in Green Transition > PRESENTATION (16,6 MB)
Claudia Beumer, Global Account Manager, VT Group, the Netherlands
15.00 Inland Waterways and Winternavigation > PRESENTATION (2 MB)
Jarkko Toivola, Chief Maritime Specialist, Head of Maritime Unit and Director Waterways,
Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, Finland
15.15 INFUTURE Project Survey: Challenges for Increasing the IWW Cargo Traffic between Russian and Finnish Inland
Waterways Areas > PRESENTATION (2,2 MB)
Pekka Koskinen, Vice Chairman, Association of Finnish Waterways, Finland
15.55 Closing of the First Day of the Conference
Heli Koukkula-Teixeira, Executive Director, Association of Finnish Waterways
WEDNESDAY 1.12.2021 the Second Day of the INFUTURE Conference
10.00 Opening of the Second Day of the Conference and Welcoming Words
Pekka Koskinen, Vice Chairman, Association of Finnish Waterways, Finland
Moderator of the Third Session of the Conference
10.05 INFUTURE Transhipment Hub Models for IWW - Best Practises > PRESENTATION (15,8 MB)
Discussion: Anna Kiviniitty, RDI Specialist, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, XAMK, Finland
Mikhail Pimonenko, Director, ILOT, St. Petersburg
10.20 IWT Experiences from the EMMA Project > PRESENTATION (3,5 MB)
Stefan Breitenbach, Head of the Project Division, Port of Hamburg Marketing, Germany
10.40 Digital Port Technologies Developed in H2020 COREALIS Project > PRESENTATION (4,5 MB)
Dr. Ville Hinkka, Research Team Leader, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
11.00 INFUTURE Project Survey - Smart Buoys - Smart Fairways Pilot project > PRESENTATION (2,5)
Kari Pohjola, Sales Manager, Arctia SeaHow, Finland
12.00 Opening of the Fourth Session of the Conference
Kari Pohjola, Sales Manager, Arctia SeaHow, Finland
Moderator of the Fourth Session of the Conference
12.05 Customs Declaration Reform in the EU with Particular Reference on Its Impacts on
Sea and Inland Waterway Traffic in Finland
Veijo Alatalo, Project Manager, Finnish Customs UCC UTU Customer Project
12.20 Next-Generation Inland Waterway Vessel Concept > PRESENTATION (4,3 MB)
Discussion: Fang Li, Postdoctoral Researcher, Marine Technology unit, Aalto University
and Jukka Salminen, Sales Manager, Aker Arctic Technologies Inc.
12.40 IWI Alternative Fuels Committee - Case Studies from Several Countries > PRESENTATION (6,8 MB)
Kevin Desmond, President of the Electric Boat Association, France
13.00 Commercial Management View: Perspective routes,
TCE estimation for new designs of Saimamax type vessels > PRESENTATION (2,9 MB)
Anatoly Burkov, PhD (Maritime Engineering Economics), Associated professor of Management of Waterway Transport
Enterprises Department, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Russia
Anton Svechkarev, Commercial Director, Neva-Hugen Group, Russia
Dmitry Neslukhov, Freight and Fleet Manager, Neva-Hugen Group, Russia
13.20 Aurora Botnia by Wasaline - Company Case > PRESENTATION (17,2 MB)
Tony Ehrs, Director, Cargo, Wasaline
13.35 Finferries - Company Case
Matti Markkanen, Director of Operations and OSH, Finferries
13.55 Summary of the Conference and Closing
Anna Kiiski, Executive Director, Kotka Maritime Research Centre, Merikotka, Finland
INFUTURE Project Partners

The INFUTURE project seeks comprehensive solutions to support sustainable and cost-effective inland waterway transportation. The INFUTURE project has been implemented in cooperation with Finnish and Russian experts in the field. The work has been funded by the South-East Finland - Russia ENI CBC 2014-2020 program.