The 15th International Exhibition and Conference on Civil Shipbuilding, Shipping, Port Activities, Ocean and Shelf Development “NEVA 2019” will take place in September 17th-18th, 2019 in St. Petersburg, Russia.
As part of the NEVA Conference Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping together with Kotka Maritime Research Association of City Kotka (Merikotka) will organize Seminar, September 18th, on “INLAND WATERWAYS: INFRASTRUCTURE, TECHNOLOGIES, LOGISTICS” in the frames of Project INFUTURE.
“Future Potential of Inland Waterways - INFUTURE” is a CBC Programme 2014-2020 project, funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland.
The themes of the Round Tables are as follows
Cargo potential of inland waterways of Republic of Finland at Saimaa and Russian Federation at Volgo-Balt basin;
Safe fairways – up-to day technologies for fairway and waterways infrastructure;
New IWW vessels for efficient “river-sea” navigation via Saimaa and Volgo-Balt and in shortsea.
The Seminar and followed by networking will provide an opportunity for dialog and interaction between project partners from Finland and Russia, representatives of CBC-Programme, Federal, Regional or City executive authorities, the business community, research, design and educational organizations, shipping companies, other stakeholders.
If you are interested to attend the discussion, please contact
Anatoly Burkov, burkovav(a)gumrf.ru or
Tarja Javanainen, tarja.javanainen(a)merikotka.fi
Round Tables will take place September 18th, 2019 from 12:00 to 17:00
Venue: ExpoForum Exhibition and Convention Center, Pavilion H, Conference Hall No. 10, St. Petersburg Highway 64/1, St. Petersburg, Russia
Photo Credits: Merikotka